Regular exterior house washing helps to protect your investment by removing damaging materials.
Power washing is an extremely effective method of cleaning many surfaces that are difficult to clean manually. One example is the exterior of a home, which would be very challenging and time-consuming to clean on your own with a bucket and sponge. However, pressure washing can also cause damage when it’s not handled properly. Too much water pressure applied to your siding, windows, or roof can cause lasting damage that is costly to repair. Instead of trying to tackle exterior house washing on your own, contact our professionals at Pollywog Pressure Washing to take care of the service. We’re available to those located throughout Great Bridge, Virginia.
Our technicians have undergone training in exterior house washing and know how to safely and properly use pressure washing equipment to remove dirt, grime, algae, and other contaminants from the sides and top of your structure. When performing exterior house washing on certain components, such as the roof or siding, we use our specialized soft wash method to prevent damage to the more delicate portions of your structure. This method is still extremely effective, although it’s a gentler way to ensure that your home is protected. Regular exterior house washing helps to protect your investment by removing damaging materials.
The owner of our company started this business years ago with a goal to provide exterior house washing to property owners who want to take better care of their structures. We have served countless clients over the years, and we stand behind the work we do with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
AAt Pollywog Pressure Washing, we offer exterior house washing services in Chesapeake, Great Bridge, Indian River, Portsmouth, and Virginia Beach, Virginia, as well as Moyock, North Carolina.