Few are as thorough with their gutter cleaning services as we are!
It might surprise you how many professional exterior cleaning tasks around your home end up being done with far less attention to detail than you might think. This is especially true for tasks where the results aren’t as evident. For example, if you have ever hired a company that provides gutter cleaning services, you might wonder just how clean the gutters were after they left. You won’t have to wonder when you call on us at Pollywog Pressure Washing. We take pride in a job well done, whether you can see the results or not!
We are extremely thorough with our gutter cleaning services. We remove all the leaves and debris, just like the other guys, but we follow up with a full cleaning and rinsing of the gutters, as well as flushing out the downspouts. We can also do a more thorough job of it than some DIYers! On the other hand, if you haven’t outsourced this task before because you didn’t think they’d do it as well as you, you won’t need to worry about that any more. You can stay safely on the ground and find something more enjoyable to do while we perform your gutter cleaning services to your highest standards.
Our gutter cleaning services can be perfectly timed with the holidays, and we’ll take care of putting up your holiday lights for you when we’ve completed the gutter cleaning. Or, we can come back after the holidays and take them down. How many gutter cleaning services offer that helpful service? Not many in the Chesapeake, Virginia area, we’d venture to guess! Call today to learn more or to schedule any of our exterior cleaning services.
At Pollywog Pressure Washing, we offer gutter cleaning services in Chesapeake, Great Bridge, Indian River, Portsmouth, and Virginia Beach, Virginia, as well as Moyock, North Carolina.